MN Cities consider dumping Progressive Arrogance with return to Citizen Review of Police

CitizenReviewBoard07252016The Progressive Rag, the Minneapolis Star and Sickle, earlier this week wrote an article on the return of citizens to Police Review Committees. Apparently it was so controversial, they have made it extremely difficult to find online.  Lets take a moment to work on creating a truer common Perspective of Reality so WE THE PEOPLE can unite against our Government and hold it accountable.

About the time of the American Revolution (1776), the Country’s Founders warned that government must be constructed with the nature of man in mind or it was doomed to failure.

John Locke summed up the nature of man as:

“being tolerance with a tendancy towards reason, but who can be selfish”

The Founders’ perception of the nature of man perhaps is best summed up in the Cato Letters:

“All People[men] have free will and are not virtuous by nature”

Thus our Founder’s constructed our government with “Checks and Balances, Transparency and Accountability”

Enter the Progressives, circa 1900.

Similar to how the “Left” accused the TEA Party Movement of being funded and the brainchild of the Koch Brothers, The Progressive Movement was actually the brainchild of the Wealthy. The Wealthy grew tired of government being transparent and accountable to the masses.  The Media “MuckRakers” of the day, drove the Wealthy Trusts up the wall.

The wealthy trusts had the Progressive Movement promote the idea that:

“The Nature of Man is to be trustworthy and altruistic”

From this pile of manure came the idea that the Progressive educated elite, being trustworthy and altruistic, should be allowed to make decisions on behalf of the masses without accountability to the masses. (See also Social Darwinism)

This began a long trend of removing transparency and accountability to the masses in a wide variety of Government Agencies. The Police, Judges and Lawyers among them.

Of course, in much the same way a dam built on the premise that water runs up hill must fail, so must a government based on some other than actual human nature.

Without the transparency and accountability of citizen oversight, Law Enforcement across the country fell into systemic corruption. Its only human nature to protect those who you work with everyday, especially when one day you might need some “quid pro quo”. See the movies “The Untouchables”, “Lawless” and “Serpico” as evidence of this writer’s assertions.

With tensions rising and the two alleged major political parties using them for political purposes, American Law Enforcement has been forced to consider returning to a large presence of civilians to rebuild trust between Law Enforcement and the Civilian Community.

It just is Common Sense that average citizens, being outside, impartial “Finders of Fact” will most often find the actual truth, rather than cave to politically machinated results.

This writer would just ask you to never forget that it was the Progressives that removed the civilian oversight in the first place. And if the Founders were still around, they would be able to say, “We told you so.”

One last quick comment, shame on the American Main Stream Media not covering this in a color blind manner. And shame to the politicians that try to spin these events for political gain. In each of these events the the only possible results should be right, wrong and honest mistake/human error.

There are good and bad people in every group of people, regardless of what characteristics you use to define it. Once the honest and truthful determination of what happened is determined, the only way the event should be framed is in a colorblind manner of good people against bad people, and/or sadness for tragedy out of honest human error and a resolve to work  to avoid future tragedy.

Those were my thoughts.

Thank you for your time.

In Liberty,

Don Mashak
The Cynical Patriot


Melania Trump: Take Heart; Thomas Jefferson was Accused of Plagiarizing Parts of the Most Famous Document in American History

An open letter to Melania Trump.

ThomasJeffersonOathAgainstTyranny300x394Hello Melania Trump:

Nice speech last night. Take heart in allegations that portions of your speech were plagiarized. You are in good company. Thomas Jefferson was accused of plagiarizing John Locke in drafting the American Declaration of Independence, the most famous document in American History. In my estimation, this caused no significant nor lasting damage to his reputation. Nor will similar allegations have any lasting affect on you.

In my opinion, you plagiarized no one, the thoughts were your own.  You were speaking to universal memes of American Culture. Memes of Natural Rights like self-ownership, self-determination and Individualism and traits of American rugged Individualism like self-sufficiency, self-reliance, tenacity and perseverance.

When Jefferson was confronted with the allegation of plagiarizing John Locke, he responded along these lines. There are only so many ways you can state certain absolute truths relating to Natural Rights and Natural Law. (Proof our Country & Constitution founded upon Natural Law The English language is finite and if someone has succinctly well defined and explained a fundamental concept its likely a person approaching the same fundamental concept on their own with a fresh perspective will use some or many of the same English words as those who first broached the topic before.

Further, as a legal immigrant learning “English as a Second Language” (ESL) you may have a smaller working English vocabulary than someone who has a life time of speaking English as a first language. Brains tend to remember “concepts” not words, and convert concept to words to communicate to others. Without 13+ years of cultural immersion on American Memes in American schools, your brain drew upon words it knew and understood, and/or suggested to it by others, to express your thoughts. And experience I am pretty sure is common to all immigrants to America.

Still further, in some instances, its harder or “clunkier” to express universal truths and/or fundamental and/or seminal concepts in different words. Can you imagine the Declaration of Independence ( without phrases like

“that all men are created equal…….certain unalienable rights, among these being life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”

Compare that with Locke’s

that being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions.“.

Or compare Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence (#DOI):

long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism

with Locke’s:

long train of abuses, prevarications, and artifices, all tending the same way, make the design visible to the people, and they cannot but feel what they lie under, and see whither they are going, it is not to be wondered that they should then rouse themselves” (

The Enlightenment (1650-1800AD), was an attempt to order the metaphysical nature of man. It attempted to do so in much the same way Sir Isaac Newton, and his scholarly contemporaries, attempted to make order out of the natural physical world during the European Renaissance(1300-1600AD). With that in mind, I like to summarize Jefferson’s explanation of the similarities of his writing in the Declaration of Independence to that of Locke’s in his 2nd Treatise of Civil Government with this analogy:

“There simply are a very limited number of ways you can state the Natural Law and absolute truth that the freezing point of pure water at sea level is 32F. Such also are the characteristics of certain unalienable Natural Rights.”

In my humble opinion, the memes of American culture you were discussing (self-ownership, self-determination, self-reliance, self-sufficiency, tenacity and perseverance), being themselves based in Natural Law and Natural Rights, share the same characteristic of having a limited number of ways and words which adequately and/or magnificently express them.

I believe the more important point to be made is that you, as immigrant to America, have embraced them and can express them in a manner all Americans can understand and appreciate.  And we can further extrapolate that since you came to America as a legal immigrant speaking English as a 2nd language your knowledge of these American ideals and memes is largely attributable to those you chose to surround yourself, including and especially your husband Donald Trump and the Americans you two chose to surround yourselves with. Kudos!

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader

~ John Adams

In my humble opinion you should stand proud in the company of Thomas Jefferson as two people who were merely trying to express their interpretations of various aspects of Natural Law, Natural Rights and American exceptionalism, but whose detractors chose to ungraciously ridicule and/or malign you. I would argue that your and Jefferson detractors should have instead celebrated the aspects of Natural Law, Natural Rights and American Exceptionalism for which you were both expressing your understanding, love and admiration.

This was the object of the Declaration of Independence. Not to find out new principles, or new arguments, never before thought of, not merely to say things which had never been said before; but to place before mankind the common sense of the subject, in terms so plain and firm as to command their assent, and to justify ourselves in the independent stand we are compelled to take. Neither aiming at originality of principle or sentiment, nor yet copied from any particular and previous writing, it was intended to be an expression of the American mind, and to give to that expression the proper tone and spirit called for by the occasion.

Thomas Jefferson
Letter to Henry Lee
May 8, 1825

It is unfortunate that your detractors chose to divide the country with their criticism for their own personal gain, rather than unite the country and make America Great Again by joining you in your celebration of Natural Law, Natural Rights and American Exceptionalism. In my humble opinion, there are too many people placing their own selfish personal gain above the best’s interests of our county.

Oh No, Did I just Plagiarize JFK?

And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.

~ John F. Kennedy 1961

Good luck with the election.

I think you would make a great First Lady.

Psst, tell you husband I need clarification and more details of his vision before I can switch from being a “Against Killary” voter to a “For Trump” voter.

Those were my thoughts.

In Liberty,

Don Mashak
The Cynical Patriot

Will Minnesota follow Wisconsin’s “RINO Hunt” Lead?

SpeakerPaulRyanDissatisfaction with  Speaker Paul Ryan’s betrayal on the recent budget bill, has led rank and file Conservative Wisconsinites to oppose his re-election. Rank and file Conservative Wisconsinites now recognize  Speaker Paul Ryan as the Pro New World Progressive(NWO) RINO that he his. (Liberals call Pro NWO Progressives Progressives. Republicans call Pro NWO Progressives RINOs) Speaker Paul Ryan was suppose to “fix” to the John Boehner betrayal, instead he betrayed rank and file Republicans straights out of the shoot.

This article, “PAYBACK: After Turning on Conservatives, Paul Ryan Just Got MASSIVE Bad News From Home,” reports that one person with a conservative Wisconsin group expressed his dissatisfaction with Speaker Paul Ryan and stated his intentions to have Speaker Paul Ryan opposed in the Wisconsin Primary. Major news sources in Wisconsin and Fox News picked up the story, given the Wisconsin RINO hunt drive momentum.

Rank and File Conservatives and Republican around the country are suddenly aware, and/or willing to admit, that two back to back Pro NWO Progressive RINOs to get elected Speaker of the House.  And it is dawning on rank and file conservatives, that for this to happen more than half of all Republican’s must also be Pro NWO Progressive RINOs. (Lest the reader forget, a true conservative as President is hamstrung if stuck with a Pro NWO Progressive RINO Congress.)


This writer has heard murmurs in Minnesota of a similar RINO hunt, to remove persons who are not true conservatives from representing them in Congress.  Our 3 current Minnesota RINOs in Congress are 2nd District, John Kline; 3rd District, Eric Paulsen and 6th District, Tom Emmer.  While there are many factors in identifying a Pro NWO Progressive RINO, one factor seems to stand out.  All of these RINOs voted for both RINO John Boehner and RINO Paul Ryan for Speaker of the House. (MN Republicans unite to support Paul Ryan for Speaker of the House)  And this writer hasn’t heard any of them strongly criticizing Speaker Paul Ryan’s handling of the recent budget deal.

Minnesota’s Caucuses occur on March 1, 2016; Super Tuesday. With the deadline fast approaching, its time to start planning for your RINO Safari. Start meeting with your friends and neighbors. Get them to support you as a delegate at each successive level of the Political Process. Vote against Party officials who have been in office for several terms. The only way Pro NWO Progressive RINOs get elected is with help from like minded persons. NO MORE STATUS QUO. Change must come from the bottom. And the status quo establishment Republicans will be working actively against you.

For you Conservatives living in Congressional Districts with Democrat incumbents running for reelection, please realize that starting with a true Conservative to begin with avoids the difficulty of getting rid of an entrenched incumbent RINO. In other Congressional Districst: John Kline won’t be running for re-election in the 2nd Minnesota Congressional District. Therefore, finding and nominating a true conservative should be easier for you than those with incumbents running for re-election. Those incumbents are Eric Paulson in the 3rd Judicial District and Tom Emmer in the Sixth Judicial. The 6th Congressional District is supposed to be the most Conservative District in Minnesota. Heaven only knows how we got stuck with as big a Pro NWO Progressive RINO as Tom Emmer. Nevertheless, in Progressive Minnesota, conservatives have their work cut out for them.

May I suggest that you require all of your conservative candidates sign the Anti-Progressive Pledge?  You can find an example here.

Those were my thoughts.

Keep fighting the good fight.

In Liberty,

Don Mashak
The Cynical Patriot
Don Mashak on Twitter







Don Mashak’s Suggested 2016 New Year’s Resolutions

Happy New Year everyone! Have you made your list of 2016 New Year’s Resolutions yet?

With this Christmas and New Year Holiday season drawing to a close, the time has come to start turning from the joy of the season to contemplating the realities and challenges of 2016. And one of the ways American’s make this transition is the annual Tradition of New Year’s Resolutions. This writer suggests that our politicians betrayals of the best interests of rank and file Americans and erosions of our Constitution and Constitutional rights in 2015 behoove each of us make at least one 2016 New Year’s resolution to address this intolerable situation.

2015 saw the rank and file membership of both the Democrat and Republican parties beginning to come to grips with their betrayal by the Establishment of their respective political parties. In 2015, Americans Built on their distrust of government precipitated by the 2014 exposure of Progressive Government’s asserted right to” lie to the masses because the masses are allegedly too stupid to know what’s best with them”, when Progressive Professor Jonathan Gruber was caught on video. In 2015, rank and file members of both major parties became more aware of and tuned into their respective party’s departure from the party platform.

Obamacare was found to not be what was promised*. Our government failed to secure our borders and let unknown numbers of terrorists into the country. Our politicians accelerated their abdication of power to the United Nations. Establishment Republicans joined with Establishment Democrats in selling the America Middle Class worker down the river; ObamaTrade aka Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) exports yet more American jobs out of our country and is the next step in the Progressive Tyrant Class’s march towards a new world order. Establishment Politicians moved further towards their ultimate goal of making every rank and file individual’s unalienable Natural Rights subordinate to the will of Progressive Government Educated Elites. In a first step toward limiting Free Speech, our 1 Progressive Tyrant Class Establishment pretending to be 2 major political parties, initiated steps to transfer control of the Internet out of our country. The bipartisan agreement on these evidencing the fact that both Establishment Republicans and Establishment Democrats are implementing a fundamental transformation of America, contrary to the content of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and the vision the Founding Fathers had for America.


“A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves!”
Edward Murrow

That having been said, this writer would suggest to any would be American Patriot that they include once or more of the following suggestions amongst their 2016 New Year’s Resolutions:

  1. Resolve to read John Locke’s “Second Treatise of Civil Government (Audio)” which gives a great explanation of Natural Law, Natural Rights and Consent of the Governed that our country is founded upon. This writer suggests there is no more empowering and JohnLockesWritingsInfluencedThomasJeffersonsDOI400x300    “self-awareness” defining piece of literature than this. The Founder’s relied heavily upon the writings of Locke in writing the foundational documents of our country. Reading and understanding Locke’s Second Treatise of Civil Government will provide you and your fellow citizens with a common “perspective of reality” from which to discuss the issues of the day;
  2. Resolve not to be “silent” on the issues. Progressives assert that “Your Silence is Your Consent.” Therefore, resolve to make a call, DietrichBonhoefferSilenceInTheFaceOfEvilmeet with and/or fax/email/snailmail your elected officials on every vote and/or action they take that you do not agree with; Even if it is just a couple of sentences to state your disagreement;
  3. Parents, this writer suggests a resolution committing to 5 hours a month of politics and government involvement to secure the future of your children. Perhaps as a way to help hold yourselves accountable, you can give the gift certificates suggested at the bottom of this article, “Gift ideas for American Patriots” to your children as birthday and/or graduation gifts or belated Christmas gifts?ThomasPaineIfThereMustBeTrouble

    “If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace.”
    Thomas Paine

    Parents, if your number one priority this year is not getting involved in politics and government to secure the economic welfare, freedoms and liberty of your children, your pronouncements of loving your children and being willing to do anything for them, will hence forward ring hollow. And for you men and fathers of the old school belief of what it means to be a man, now is the time for you to come to the aid and comfort of those less able to protect and provide for themselves.

  4. Resolve to think for yourself. Do not let any political party’s dogma,

    “In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock.” ~ Thomas Jefferson

    propaganda or belief system, be the source of my personal position on any issue. Do not let your political party tell you who your enemies are. Resolve to assert your personal positions on issues, even when doing so is contrary to your party’s position on the issue and/or may result in your being exposed to chastisement and ridicule from others.

  5. Resolve to be aware of the Establishment’s use of Progressive Edward Bernays’ Emotion/Base-Instinct driven Propaganda. You can read more about this here in “Engineering Consent – Subverting the Democratic Process”. You can also learn more about your Progressive Government exploiting of the Emotions and Base Instincts of the Masses by watching this video:

    Resolve to quit allowing the two major political parties make the masses chase their own tails. The two major political parties distract the masses from their skullduggery and duplicity by dividing and conquering the masses with various issues; often deliberately framing issues in a manner that promotes division, rather than unity.
  6. ChasingYourOwnTailResolve to hold your elected officials accountable by contacting them about issues that concern you and forcing them to put their positions on those issues in writing. (A list of suggested issues you may be interested in can be found here: “2016 Presidential Debates: What say we not let them make us chase our own tails again?
  7. DeclarationofCausesFinal11062015If you are one of those who has vowed to “take back my party”, make this the year to accomplish taking back your party. We have heard this mantra for the past couple of elections, and thus far Establishment Politicians remain in control of both major parties. Please resolve that if you are unable to take back your party this year, you will accept the necessity of joining and/or creating a Third Party and/or join in drafting/editing a modern Declaration of Causes with an approximate one year deadline. (similar to what the Founder’s did on July 6, 1775) You can read the current proposed version of such a document here: “Second Declaration of Causes
  8. If you belong to the TEA Party Movement or Occupy Wall Street Movement and/or any other political Movement, please become aware of and stop letting yourselves become rendered ineffective through the “Delphi Technique”. The Establishment has usurped and/or astroturfed DarthVaderForceOrDelphivarious political dissent movements and installed their own “leaders”. In many cases, these Establishment political operatives have charged with misdirecting the respective groups into unproductive issues and activities. For example, “How does meeting on street corners to yell and protest against the rank and file members of an opposing political group address and force change the true issues you are concerned about?”
  9. Resolve not prioritize your own personal comfort over the liberty and finances of future generations. Our Politicians have buying our votes on the backs of future generations of Americans. MarkTwainonPatriotsIn addition, our government engages in unlawful and unconstitutional Progressive Conditioning and COINTELPRO operations against those who openly protest and oppose them. It is selfish and lacking in foresight for today’s rank and file American’s to trade future of succeeding generations for their own personal comfort. Such an attitude and philosophy will ensure that tyranny eventually secures its stranglehold on future generations of Americans.
  10. Resolve to not vote for any politician who does not denounce the Progressive belief that Government Educated Elites have the “right to lie to the masses because the masses are too stupid to know what’s best for them”. Make them put their unequivocal denunciation of this repugnant asserting in writing.GruberOnGovernmentLiesToPassObamacare
  11. AntonioVillaraigosaLetMeBeClearNoOneISAboveTheLawResolve to not vote for any politician who believes they and/or any other elected and/or government official are superior to the rest of us. Behind closed doors, this writer has been told “the masses don’t matter” and “the masses don’t care”. Politicians and Government officials cite their superiority to rank and file Americans with circular logic. First, these Politicians and Government officials assure you that you can trust them. Having convinced the masses they can trusted, these Politicians and Government officials then lie to the masses. The Politicians and Government officials then cite the masses’ gullibility in believing their lies as evidence of their superiority to the masses. Therefore, this writer suggests you RESOLVE to no longer be duped into believing their lies. InAmericaNoOneIsAboveTheLawExcept
  12. Resolve to not vote for any politician, nor support any government official, that supports any portion of the Pro-New World Order Progressive Agenda. The Progressive Agenda includes, but is not limited to: Common Core, Trans Pacific Partnership (aka ObamaTrade), Agenda 21, Eugenics, Open Borders, unbridled immigration, Net Neutrality, transferring control of the Internet outside of the US, Keynesian Economics, less transparency and accountability of government and government officials, making an individual’s Natural and Constitutional Rights subordinate to the will of government educated elites, creating two classes of Americans and asserting government’s right to lie to the masses because the masses are too stupid to know what best for them, and dismantling the US Constitution.

    “Whensoever therefore the legislative shall transgress this fundamental rule of society; and either by ambition, fear, folly or corruption, endeavour to grasp themselves, or put into the hands of any other, an absolute power over the lives, liberties, and estates of the people; by this breach of trust they forfeit the power the people had put into their hands for quite contrary ends, and it devolves to the people, who have a right to resume their original liberty, and, by the establishment of a new legislative, (such as they shall think fit) provide for their own safety and security, which is the end for which they are in society.”

    ~ John Locke, Second Treatise of Civil Government

  13. ThomasJeffersononBankingInstitutionsAndStandingArmiesResolve to ask the following 5 questions of your government officials if you want to return to the days when one person working 40 hours a week could support a family of 4 or 5. Please ask each of your US Senators and US Representatives these six questions and demand a written, understandable, non-evasive answer to each question: Ask them:                                                                                                                          * Why do WE THE PEOPLE pay interest to the privately owned Federal Reserve Banking System to get back our money that only Congress has the Constitutional authority to print?
    * Please explain how the privately owned Federal Reserve (Banking) System’s Debt Based Money that creates a debt to this private bank that can never be paid off is not a violation of the 13th Amendment’s prohibition of involuntary servitude.
    * Why do WE THE PEOPLE pay the private owners of the privately owned Federal Reserve Banking System $25 Billion per year, on top of the interest WE THE PEOPLE pay to get our own money back?
    * How much money do Fractional Reserve Banking Institutions create each year?
    * How much do these banking Institutions pay each year in licensing fees to use the National Resource of being able to create this money?
    * How much do the Fractional Reserve Banking Institutions pay each year in to Government Officials in the way of Campaign contributions, bribes and other consideration?
  14. DeclarationOfIndependenceWithQuillResolve to read and study the Declaration of Independence.

“…But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security…”

This writer hopes that you will find one or more of these proposed 2016 New Year’s Resolutions worthy of including in your own personal list of 2016 New Year’s Resolutions.

Well, all that is left is to wish each and every one of you a happy, prosperous and joyous New Year…

See you next year.

Those were my thoughts.

Keep Fighting the Good Fight!

In Liberty,

Don Mashak
The Cynical Patriot
Don Mashak Twitter
Don Mashak Facebook
Don Mashak Google Plus


Bring Home the Politicians #BHTP
Lawless America #LawlessAmerica

Term Limits #TermLimit

Critical Thinking Notice – This author advises you as no politician would dare. Exercise Critical Thinking (sorry, your government has censored this link along with many others and I have not had the time to repost all of them yet.) in determining the truthfulness of anything you read or hear. Do not passively accept nor believe anything anyone tells you, including this author… unless and until you verify it yourself with sources you trust and could actively defend your perspective to anyone who might debate you to the contrary of your perspective.

* You can keep your Doctor or insurance, and it is not cheaper but far more expensive. Far fewer formerly uninsured Americans than the 49Million, and then the later asserted 24 million, used to sell Obamacare became insured. 1.3 Million was the last number this writer heard as being the number of formerly uninsured Americans who are now insured under Obamacare. This writer asserts that 1.3 Million does not justify throwing out the entire traditional healthcare system. And finally, Obamacare has been demonstrated to be just politically correct for the Progressive Eugenics Program.


Halloween 2015: What are Americans most afraid of?

Halloween 2015: What are Americans most afraid of?

Halloween 2015: What are Americans most afraid of?

Halloween returns bringing with it the annual tradition of frights and fears, costumes and pranks as well as Tricks and Treats. The question is, what are Americans most afraid of these years.  One would think this Halloween would be like any other. The average American would guess the usual menu super natural frights such as ghosts, goblins, demons and Zombies. (Judging by Hollywood Movie and TV program offerings)  Or, judging by the stereotype of women and city slickers, one might guess things like spiders, mice and bats.  In most years and, on most Halloweens, those would seem to be safe bets.  But alas, this Halloween you would be wrong with those guesses.

This Chapman University Survey of American Fears (2015) recently announced the results from this years Halloween Season Polling. This year our American Government is the source of two of the top five fears of Americans, with Government Corruption striking fear in the hearts of nearly 60% of Americans.

  • Corruption of government officials (58.0%)
  • Cyber-terrorism (44.8%)
  • Corporate tracking of personal information (44.6%)
  • Terrorist attacks (44.4%)
  • Government tracking of personal information (41.4%)

Now this writer is no politician or government expert, but should Government Corruption be the number one issues of the 2016 Election Presidential Debates?  Yet, this writer has heard little to nothing about government corruption the political debate thus far, nor even in the 2016 Election Presidential Debates to date.  How is this possible?

Its seems Americans are to believe the Main Stream Media is unaware of Corruption in American Government.  Even then, how is it possible for our elected officials, or at least the leadership of the Republican National Committee (RNC )and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to not be aware of some degree of Government Corruption.  How is it possible that Government Corruption has not been the mainstay of the Election 2016 Presidential Debates to date?

Now, again this writer is no expert, but doesn’t 58% of Americans placing Government Corruption as their number one fear, illicit some level of concern from our elected officials?  These folks who are supposed to represent us. Have their been some high level top secret Government meetings to address this concern? Have the Election 2016 Presidential Candidates gotten together and discussed this crisis in confidence the American People have in their Government and Politicians?  Correct this writer if he is wrong, but in an election wouldn’t any candidate receiving 58% of the vote be considered as having won in a “landslide”.

In fact, this writer has written many credible articles of his particular experiences and knowledge of government corruption. However, Main Stream Media refuses to print them. This writer is instead forced to post them on blogs and “Tweet” and “post” them in other Social Media.  )Perhaps that is why this writer has 77000+ followers on Twitter.) The fact of the matter is that our Main Stream Media is complicit with corrupt government officials in censoring the news of government corruption. (This despite Main Stream Media Fourth Estate obligation is to keep government transparent and accountable.) Again, this writer is aware of government corruption from personal experience and investigative research. This writer also has first hand knowledge of the censorship by Main Stream Media of his well documented articles exposing government corruption.

“The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by those who resist it!”

John Hay (1872), Private Secretary to President Abraham Lincoln, Secretary of State (1898-1905), Political Architect of the Panama Canal

Clearly, if our government cared about the distress and angst they were causing their constituents, they would not commit this acts of government corruption in the first place.  Further, if politicians cared what WE THE PEOPLE thought of them, they would at least go through the motions of pretending to care and appearing to address the issue of government corruption in a forthright manner. (But in fact, not only does our Progressive Government not care, creating stress and duress amongst their constituency is desired goal and affect. It is part of the Progressive philosophy of managing and manipulating WE THE PEOPLE like livestock. But that is a topic for another article Main Stream Media won’t publish. See Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals for answers to some of your questions along this line or read Hillary Clinton’s 1969 College Thesis on Saul Alinsky.)

All that having been said, it is this writer’s advice to his fellow American Citizens that they contact their elected officials and let them know how they feel. The one and only one Progressive Tyrant Class pretending to be two major political parties views your silence as consent to anything they do.  Go to their public appearances and confront them. My advise is to observe “proper decorum” for at least two months.  If they haven’t satisfactorily addressed your concerns within two months, they have no intentions of doing so.  (Hundreds of Minnesotans have asked every year since 2005 for a hearing dedicated to receiving evidence and testimony of systemic corruption in the Minnesota Judiciary. And every year we have been refused.) After 2 months, elected officials have “play book” handed down over the years from politician to politician on how to give you the run around.

Finally, at 58% of Americans living in fear of Government Corruption, the problem has reached the level where it requires and demands presidential action.  As has been said, government corruption should be the number one issue for all Election 2016 Presidential Debates. Demand your preferred political party make government corruption part of the rest of the Election 2016 Presidential Debates. If they don’t respond, take to Social Media and out them.  Participate in the Twitter exchanges during the rest of the Election 2016 Presidential Debates. And for gosh sake, grill our Federal and State Legislators, Executives and Judiciary.

Again, this 1 Progressive Tyrant Class pretending to be 2 major political parties views your silence as your consent. Remember and take heart in knowing you are not alone. At least 58% of your fellow citizens identify government corruption as their number one fear. This writer personally takes heart at knowing that at least 58% his fellow Americans share his view of our corrupt government.

WE THE PEOPLE surround them. Together WE THE PEOPLE can force government transparency and accountability.

Those were my thoughts.

Thank you for your time.

In Liberty,

Don Mashak

The Cynical Patriot